New logo

I am so excited to share my new logo with you all.  

My friend Matt and his team at Blue Serif have worked on my branding and created this fabulous design.  I wanted something that would include the lavender from the name but also make reference to my sewing without being cliché, and they certainly delivered.  I could not be more pleased - I love the hand drawn feel, the stitching around the edge and the elegant colours.  

Next up is getting some cards and fabric labels printed (so they can be sewn onto pouches and quilts) and then I hope to start a small Etsy shop.  I know many of you have your own fabric labels; if you can recommend a company from personal experience I'd be very grateful. 

For the time being, I'm making lists of all the projects that I would like to be involved with and items I would like to make - there doesn't seem to be any time to actually sew at the moment with the boys home!  

I had such a fabulous time at the Festival of Quilts in Birmingham last weekend, meeting Instagram friends, seeing the most incredible quilts and stocking up on beautiful fabrics - so I'm all set to make my first batch of Etsy shop items in September. 



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