Community Sampler Week 2

I am so excited about the start of another block of the week sew along.  Co-hosted by Sharon Holland and Maureen Cracknell, this is sure to be another fantastic experience.  Having joined in on the Sewcial Bee Sampler sew along last year, I can definitely say that it was a great way to learn new techniques, plus the advice and encouragement given by both the hosts and the IG community was fabulous.  This year's quilt, the Community Sampler is made up of eleven blocks set on-point, with the option of a pieced border for those that would like to make a larger quilt.  Each Wednesday, pop along to Sharon's blog and Sew along page for full block instructions and lots of other tips.  Both Maureen and Sharon will also be sharing their completed blocks on their Instagram feeds. 

Our task for Week 1 was to decide on our fabric pull.  I was given a FQ bundle of Amy Sinibaldi's Charleston fabrics last year, so I have finally decided to cut into it - this is going to be the year of using precious fabrics rather than just hoarding them!  I chose the Waterfront Park palette as my starting point and then added in a few extra favourites from the other colour palette too.  I have also selected some Les Petits fabrics which, of course, coordinate beautifully and will act as solids for some of the busier blocks.

This week, Week 2, we are working on a block called Kitty-Corner, made up of lots of squares.  It is a fairly straight forward block, so quick and fun to make.   I especially liked that the quick corner units are made slightly too big and then trimmed to size - preventing the wonkiness that can often happen with this method and making sure you have perfect points.

If, like me, you are planning to use fussy cuts for the centre of some of your blocks, remember to cut them on-point - that is how your blocks will be set once assembled.  Obviously this is only an issue if you like to have a 'right way up' to your quilt.  

I couldn't resist using the gorgeous Charleston houses for the middle of this block and chose the other three fabrics to pick out the colours from the houses.  I am using Pure Elements Snow for all the B squares apart from the central one.  Apologies for the dark photos, hopefully our snow will have gone by next week and we'll have some sunshine again.

I've braved the snow to stick my finished block to our shed door - the things we do to take a photo in daylight! 

If you are interested in sewing along, it isn't too late to join in.  I'm hoping I have persuaded two of my local sewing friends to sew along too.  If you check out the #communitysampler hashtag on Instagram, there is so much inspiration.  


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